2022 World Affairs Council of the Year
Network of Independent World Affairs Councils of America

Program | President Trump Abroad and a New US Foreign Policy | Jun 28

Global Dialogue

You Are Invited to Discuss

“President Trump Abroad and a New US Foreign Policy”

with Ambassador Ronald Schlicher and Ambassador Charles Bowers

June 28, 2017

12:00-1:30 p.m.

Belmont University | MC 204 | Massey Business Center

(#6 on map – link; parking garage P1 on map)

Free For World Affairs Council Members and First Time Guests

Seating is limited – Make sure to register

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Two Tales of One Trip

President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump arrive in Rihad, Saudi Arabia, Saturday, May 20, 2017, for the start of their overseas visit to Saudi Arabia, Israel, Rome, Brussels and Taormina, Italy. (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)

President Donald Trump’s May 19-26, 2017 trip to the Middle East and Europe was historic. Most inaugural visits aboard by Presidents in recent decades have been to Mexico or Canada. Trump chose Saudi Arabia for his first stop with visits to Israel, Vatican City, Belgium and Italy for the G-7 summit.

It was called historic by supporters and critics. The White House described it as an “incredible, historic trip” an “extraordinary week for America.” Foreign policy observers like columnist Thomas Friedman called it “historic” in noting that, “No U.S. president before had ever put a crack in the Atlantic alliance on his inaugural tour.” The trip resulted in a new relationship with Sunni-led states in the Middle East and acrimony between Washington and European allies. German Chancellor Merkel responded to Trump’s visit by declaring that Europe must “take our fate into our own hands.”

Upon his return to Washington Trump announced that the United States would withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement — a move criticized as further moving America away from global engagement.

So, where is American foreign policy headed? Does “America First” mean “America Alone?”  Is the United States shedding its position as “the indispensable nation?”

Join the World Affairs Council for our Global Dialogue series of conversations as we tackle that question with Ambassador Ronald Schlicher and Ambassador Charles Bowers, both retired career US Foreign Service Officers with decades of diplomatic service in the State Department and overseas.

Global Dialogue conversations are an opportunity for community members to engage each other and specialists in timely and significant discussions of hot topics in international affairs.  Preparing for the conversation by reviewing several articles and reference materials allows participants to share their insights and perspectives with others in an informal setting.

Global Dialogues are organized for members of the World Affairs Council but we welcome future members at no charge to learn about this program and other benefits of membership.

Please review the suggested reading items to be better prepared to discuss this topic.

1 — Daily Press Briefing By Press Secretary Sean Spicer — #51 (Trip Recap)

2 — “Trump’s United American Emirate” – Thomas Friedman – May 31, 2017

3 — “The Death Knell for America’s Global Leadership – David From – May 31, 2017

4 — “Is This the End of America’s Global Leadership?” – USNews – June 2, 2017

These questions and others will be used to guide our conversation.


Additional material will be added. Check back HERE

The Tennessee World Affairs Council is a nonprofit (501c3), nonpartisan educational charity based in Nashville that works to build understanding of global issues in our communities. Learn more about the Council and find how you can join, donate and volunteer at: www.TNWAC.org  — 

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