Amb Dick Bowers and Pat Ryan host a weekly review of current global events with commentary and assessments on hot topics in the news. This week we welcome Dr. Marieta Velikova as a guest host. May 5, 2020 – This week’s topics: 1 – Covid Update 2 – Covid and Its Impact on the Economy...Read More
The pandemic crisis has created a “stay at home” reality for students, teleworkers and others. The “Global Engagement” video webinar will offer a week-day, weekly or bi-weekly opportunity to talk about current international events with co-hosts Ambassador Charles Bowers and TNWAC President LCDR Patrick Ryan (USN,Ret). They will run down the week’s current global events...Read More
This episode of former Nashville Mayor Karl Dean’s conversations with community leaders featured Sean Henry, Nashville Predators President and CEO, with co-host Pat Ryan, TNWAC President. Karl asked Sean about his background and the experiences he has brought to the Predators organization. They talked about the situation for the Predators and Bridgestone arena as a...Read More
The pandemic crisis has created a “stay at home” reality for students, teleworkers and others. The “Global Engagement” video webinar will offer a week-day, weekly or bi-weekly opportunity to talk about current international events with co-hosts Ambassador Charles Bowers and TNWAC President LCDR Patrick Ryan (USN,Ret). They will run down the week’s current global events...Read More
The Middle East is still there and the Covid-19 pandemic has not made any of the troubles there any better. Let’s have a dialogue. Join us for a tour d’horizon of this important region where Americans serve in harm’s way with David DesRoches, retired US Army Colonel and Professor at the Near East South Asia...Read More
In this episode Karl Dean, former Nashville Mayor, talks with Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce CEO Ralph Schulz about the business environment in Nashville during this time of pandemic. What sectors are impacted the most and in what ways? How has the global economy and business relocations that are important to the region be affected?...Read More
In this episode Dick and Pat review these topics in the news: 1 – Covid-19 – What’s going on around the world? 2 – U.S. Role in International Organizations 3 – Iraq – What’s going on in the politics of this pivotal Middle East country 4 – USS Theodore Roosevelt and Covid, what are the...Read More
A conversation on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic in Nashville and around the world and the TNWAC pivot to digital global awareness programs With Former Nashville Mayor Karl Dean Amb Charles Bowers, USFS(Ret) Jim Shepherd, Chairman, TNWAC Board John Scannapieco, Chair Baker Donelson Global Business Team LCDR Patrick Ryan, USN(Ret) Today, we’re going to...Read More
“Global Engagement” A Review of News and Issues in World Affairs Presented by the “Global Tennessee” project of the Tennessee World Affairs Council [] April 7, 2020 with Amb Charles Bowers, USFS(Ret) LCDR Patrick Ryan, USN(Ret) This week in the news: 1 – Covid-19 Update 2 – United Kingdom 3 – US-Iran Developments 4 –...Read More